Hamlet (2014): Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, Globe to Globe tour - International two-year tour

PrHamlet (

Location: Globe to Globe tour - International two-year tour
Live Performance

This production is Shakespeare's Globe Theatre's initiative to take Hamlet to every country around the globe, which is projected to take two years.

The initial announcement via a BBC News report: (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-23313078).

National Public Radio's interview with Dominic Dromgoole, "As Shakespeare Turns 450, 'Hamlet' Tour Makes The World A Stage" (http://www.npr.org/2014/04/23/305897405/as-shakespeare-turns-450-hamlet-...).


From the Globe's press release: "revenge. The company of twelve actors and four stage managers will use a completely portable set to stage a Hamlet that celebrates all the exuberance and invention of Shakespeare’s language in a brisk two hours and forty minutes....The role of Hamlet will be shared by Ladi Emeruwa and Naeem Hayat. All other male and female parts will be played in rotation by Keith Bartlett, John Dougall, Miranda Foster, Phoebe Fildes, Beruce Khan, Tom Lawrence, Jennifer Leong, Rawiri Paratene, Matthew Romain and Amanda Wilkin."



Pe People involved in this production